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1 年前


















我们还在国际层面上为粮食安全问题做出了巨大努力。爱尔兰长期以来一直是全球减少饥饿的支持者。自2010年成立以来,爱尔兰在 “全球营养改善”运动中发挥了重要作用。我们将继续为营养方面的行动做出贡献,包括支持联合国关于2016至2025年“联合国营养问题行动十年”的决议等等。





Remarks by Ambassador Ann Derwin

Vice-Minister MA Youxiang

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

da jia hao


I am honoured to join you today for this important and all-too topical discussion on food security.

As you have heard in that introduction, I am Ireland’s Ambassador here in China. Ireland is a thriving, highly developed, technologically advanced European country - but we have a deep folk memory of our own historical experience of hardship and famine.

We have taken that painful history and built from it a positive legacy of attention to the twin problems of hunger and food insecurity. And so food security is an issue that has a high level of importance in Ireland’s domestic and foreign policy, including our overseas development assistance activities.

International context

I will speak to you today about the action Ireland is taking, at home and abroad, in relation to food security, but I must first reflect briefly on the international context we are now in.

Globally it is estimated that 828 million people were affected by hunger in 2021, which was an increase of 150 million people since 2019. After remaining virtually unchanged since 2015, this means that over one tenth of the world’s population were undernourished last year.

This data points to the fact that the global food security situation was already significantly strained due to a combination of factors, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, even prior to the invasion of Ukraine and the beginning of the terrible conflict there in spring of this year.

Now, conflict in one of the world’s breadbaskets has further contributed to the deepening food crisis and presents major challenges for import-reliant countries. And sadly, developing countries are among those most vulnerable.

Moreover, the increased scarcity and high cost of fertilisers has the potential to decrease agricultural output, worsening the risk of hunger for large populations of people across the globe.

The UN Global Crisis Response Group, in its 2nd brief this year, declared that the conflict in Ukraine “in all its dimensions, has exacerbated a global cost of living crisis unseen in at least a generation, compromising lives, livelihoods and our aspirations for a better world”.

The Black Sea Grain Initiative was a very welcome measure to address these risks - I very much hope that recent events do not signal an unravelling of the initiative.

The climate crisis also threatens food production and food security in myriad ways, which serves to sharpen further the immediate need for attention to this topic.

Responses by international bodies

It is important to recognise that the World Food Programme has scaled up its operations to address these many and complex crises, providing emergency infrastructure and food aid to affected regions.

Ireland values our partnership with the World Food Programme and makes multi-annual, untied contributions, to ensure that Irish funds can be placed in advance of crises and utilised where the needs are greatest. Ireland will sit on the WFP Executive Board for the next two years and we are greatly looking forward to the contribution we can make in that context.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation is also playing a central role, including by providing a forum, through its technical committees, for members to develop food policy and more sustainable food systems. In addition to Ireland’s annual subscription to the organisation, we provide significant extra voluntary funding of projects and initiatives with particular emphasis on the development of more sustainable food systems globally.

I am conscious, of course, that the Director General of the FAO, Qu Dongyu, is a former Vice Minister of China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

I know that Director General Qu has, since his appointment, met with the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, and Minister McConalogue of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. I am proud to say that, in these exchanges, he has noted Ireland’s expertise in sustainable livestock production, our high standards in food safety and traceability and our overall green credentials in agriculture sector.

Rural Development

As some of you may know, Director General Qu launched the “Hand In Hand Initiative”, shortly after taking office. This initiative was designed to accelerate agricultural transformation and to utilise sustainable rural development to assist in the eradication of poverty, hunger and all forms of malnutrition.

Ireland too has an overall vision of sustainable rural development and what that can deliver for all our public, rural and urban. The national strategy on this issue has been prepared by our

Department of Community and Rural Development and is entitled Our Rural Future - Rural Development Policy 2021-2025.

The goal of this policy is for a thriving rural Ireland, which is integral to our national economic, social, cultural and environmental wellbeing and development. It recognises and is built on the interdependence of the urban and rural; and the centrality of people, vibrant rural places, and the potential to create quality jobs and sustain our shared environment.

Transitioning to a climate neutral society, supporting the sustainability of agriculture, the marine as well as our forests and supporting the sustainability of our Islands and Coastal Communities are seen as central.

We have identified a number of key enablers to achieve these objectives, including

- optimising digital connectivity,

- supporting employment and careers in rural areas,

- revitalising rural towns and villages,

- enhancing participation, leadership and resilience in rural communities,

- as well as enhancing public services in rural areas.

By enacting this policy, the Irish Government reaffirms its full commitment to sustainable rural development. We are committed to ensuring the effective implementation of its responsibilities towards the environment and biodiversity, as well as towards achieving a climate neutral future.

Origin Green

Ireland has also pioneered a food and drink sustainability programme – called Origin Green. This programme operates on a national scale, uniting government, the private sector and the full supply chain - from farmers to food producers and right through to the foodservice and retail sectors. 

Origin Green is the worlds’ only national food and drink sustainability programme, and enables the industry to set and achieve measurable sustainability targets that respect the environment and serve local communities more effectively.

In essence, it means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future – enabling food to be produced in a way that protects natural resources rather than depleting them.

Circular economy

Ireland is also going further, however, to begin to consider our model of consumption and in particular, moving away from a linear economy – what is often referred to as “take, make and throw away” - towards a circular economy, for the sake of our environment and all our futures.

We are introducing ambitious new targets across all sectors to tackle waste and move towards a circular economy under our Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy.

The policy requires us to move beyond a position of merely managing waste, to where we question our use of resources and materials, how to reconsider product design to reduce waste generation and how we extend the productive life of the goods and products that we use.

Because, in a circular economy, waste and resource use are minimised and the value of products and materials is maintained for as long as possible. When a product has reached the end of its life, its parts are used again and again, to create further useful products. A circular economy of this type supports viable and sustainable enterprise opportunities, jobs and training. There is great potential for job creation in innovative new fields, while simultaneously reducing our carbon footprint. 

Overseas development assistance and other measures to tackle hunger

We are also making strong efforts to address food insecurity on an international level.

Ireland has been a long-standing champion of global efforts to reduce hunger and starvation, working with a range of development and humanitarian partners.

- Ireland has played a leading role in the Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) movement, since its inception in 2010. We continue to contribute to international political action on nutrition, including supporting the United Nations Resolution for a Decade of Action on Malnutrition 2016-2025.

- We have been active at the Food Systems Summit and Nutrition for Growth conferences to mobilise resources and support coordinated, effective responses to hunger. In concrete terms, at the Nutrition for Growth conference 2021, Ireland pledged to spend €800 million over 5 years on nutritional interventions.

- Ireland is playing a leading role on hunger at the UN Security Council, including through our work as informal Security Council focal point on conflict and hunger.

- And hunger is a key priority too in Ireland’s policy for international development.

This policy, entitled A Better World, was launched in 2019 and has our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals at its heart, including in particular its call to reach the furthest behind first. We particularly prioritise gender equality; reducing humanitarian need; climate action; and strengthening governance. And in delivering on all our priorities, we focus interventions on

- Protection;

- People;

- and Food.

We have in this way made combating poverty and hunger one of our flagship foreign policies - and we approach this with the strong basis of the transformation of our own agriculture system, along with our high technology and innovative society. In keeping with our commitment to the SDGs and the sustainability theme which connects them, we are taking an evolving approach to food systems that builds on our own strengths – in agriculture and food production, including in food standards, in safeguarding natural resources and in agro-ecological approaches.

Through these and other interventions, we hope to build ever-deeper links between our policies at home and our development assistance activities abroad.

Concluding comments

Before concluding, allow me again to thank the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for this opportunity for us all to meet and discuss such an important topic today.

As I said at the outset, food insecurity is all too real a problem in our world, impacting on at least one tenth of the global population.

We – all of us – are obliged to work together to address this critical and complex problem. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to share some of Ireland’s experience and look forward to the insights that the panel discussion will bring.

Thank you.

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