BelOrta is a cooperative of 1,300 Belgian and Dutch family-run agricultural companies that together grow more than 170 different varieties of fresh fruit and vegetables. As a producer organisation, we distinguish ourselves by offering an ideal mix of scale and room for individual entrepreneurship as a cooperative of, for and by growers. This allows us to always be close to the action in a market where speed is of the essence but we never lose sight of the bigger picture, a sustainable future for our growers.
The roots of our cooperative go back to 1905. From there, we steadily strengthened our position and became a leading fruit and vegetable cooperative throughout Europe.
Some figures:
+ 1,200 active member-cooperators
€ 626 million turnover in 2023
+ 770 million units of product sold in 2023
430 colleagues
Present in more than 75 countries, with UK also being an important target market (+/- 6 of total sales are realised in the UK)
Almost 8,600 ha of fruit and vegetables
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